Many people purchase a swim spa because it is an excellent way to exercise. The beauty of a swim spa is that it allows owners to regularly get a complete workout. Because of its amazing benefits, a person can
Soothing Relief for Arthritis Pain
A swim spa is very good for individuals who have problems with their joints or arthritis. The warm water is very soothing and relaxing. It’s also perfect for those people who have physically demanding occupations. A swim spa can provide the necessary motion of warm water to help loosen muscles that are tight and sore. Many people find the motion of the warm water a form of massage that eases their stress from the day. Having relaxed muscles and lower stress may also give a better mental outlook on things. Swim spa owners also report that using it helps them with their sleep.
Individuals who own a swim spa feel they are the perfect combination of use and function. It’s a wonderful cost-effective investment for any home and great for anyone with limited space. They also benefit those who want quality exercise and/or relaxation. You can use a swim spa year-round as colder temperatures are no problem thanks to their numerous heating options. Now is the perfect time to get a swim spa for you home.
Knee pain relief.
A recent study of patients who had undergone knee replacement surgery found that not only did they experience less pain, but their recovery time was faster than for non-swimmers. Their range of motion improved significantly faster and they used less pain medication than did the non-soakers.
Banish Back Pain.
Lower back pain is the number two reason in the U.S. (after colds and flu) for a visit to the doctor. The British Journal of Rheumatology published a study which demonstrated that hot tub therapy has both sort and long-term benefits for people with lower back pain. A later study in the same journal further documented those findings. After three weeks of consistent swim spa therapy, examinations showed more improvement in the health status (as measured in pain duration and intensity and back flexibility) of the spa treatment group than of the medication-only group. After six months, significant improvement continued in the swim spa therapy group. In addition, their use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs had decreased.
Soothing Relief for Arthritis Pain.
Approximately 43 million people in the United States suffer from some form of arthritis pain. The good news for those who suffer from it is that there are safe and effective ways to both minimize the discomfort and prevent further damage. According to a publication from The Arthritis Foundation entitled Spas, Pools, and Arthritis, “Regular sessions in your swim spa help keep joints moving. It restores and preserves strength and flexibility, and also protects your joints from further damage.
Exercise can also improve a person’s coordination, endurance, and the ability to perform daily tasks, and can lead to an enhanced sense of self-esteem and accomplishment.” “A swim spa fulfills the need perfectly . . . providing the warmth, massage, and buoyancy that is so necessary to the well-being of arthritis sufferers. The buoyancy of the water supports and lessens stress on the joints and encourages freer movement. Water exercises may even act as a resistance to help build muscle strength.”
Exercise and not experience impact on their joints like running or walking. It is also an effective way to improve cardiovascular functions. When people use a swim spa for exercise, they find it so enjoyable, they seldom miss a workout.