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HOURS: Mon-Fri 10-5 | Sat 10-5 | Sun 11-4
CALL or TEXT: 1-631-249-7727
HOURS: Mon-Fri 10-5 | Sat 10-5 | Sun 11-4
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Safety Pool Covers

Protect Your Family With the One Safety Pool Cover Strong Enough to Support an Elephant. You’ll probably never need a safety pool cover strong enough to support the weight of “Bubbles,” the African elephant, but imagine how safe you’ll feel owning the only pool cover that’s proven it can. The one and only LOOP-LOC Safety Swimming Pool Cover!

We offer three types of covers to choose from with various price points in several designer colors. There is a cover for every size, shape and style pool on Long Island.

Suntek Pools and Spa can custom measure you pool for a Loop-Loc safety pool cover and then our skilled technicians can deliver and install it for a “Glove-Like “fit.

Remember it is only a genuine Loop-Loc if it says Loop_loc on the cover and the label. Be wary of retailers that claim to be selling Loop-Loc brand and switch out the cover for a cheap imitation at the time of installation.

As one of the Long Island’s largest Loop Loc dealers, we will always be able to give you the absolute lowest price possible for your Genuine Loop Loc custom cover. Suntek can also replace your old safety cover even if it was not a Loop-Loc. Contact Suntek Pools and Spas at 631-249-7727 today for a quote on a Loop-Loc Safety Pool Cover.

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Choose From Variety of Designer Colors

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  • loop_loc_mesh_blue
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  • loop_loc_mesh_gray
  • loop_loc_mesh_black
  • loop_loc_solid_green
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  • loop_loc_solid_tan
  • solid_gray

Before & After