Experience a therapeutic massage delivered by adjustable jets that you control. From a gentle touch to a maximum muscle-kneading force, Michael Phelps Swim Spa owners will realize the benefits of warm water therapy — improved circulation; relief from joint pressure and muscle pain; and reduced tension and fatigue.
Our exclusive, patented Master Force™ Bio-Magnetic Therapy System offers the benefits of magnetic therapy in the comfort of a swim spa. We strategically place magnets behind the StressRelief Neck and Shoulder Seat™ or the Therapy Seat, to provide relief to your pressure points.
Magnetic therapy has been used for centuries to help relieve pain, improve circulation, reduce swelling, and alleviate stiffness. Today, more and more doctors and physical therapists are using magnetic therapy for the treatment of back problems, arthritis, and sports injuries.
Exercising in warm water has been shown to reduce fatigue and pressure on joints, ease aches and improve balance. Aquatic therapy and exercise have also been associated with improved mobility and weight-loss, resulting in a better quality of life and overall well-being. Learn how you can benefit from aquatic exercise by downloading your FREE Booklet today!
An optional stereo package, the Fusion Air Sound System, with state-of-the-art surround sound speakers adds to the sensory experience. A beautiful waterfall enhances the overall therapy with soothing sound and color with standard LED lighting.
* On Select Models